On her way back, she had to help Errol get Ron's gift to Harry when he collapsed. In the summer of 1993, she took longer to get back to Privet Drive because she decided to fly to Hermione to get her birthday gift for Harry. Harry and Hedwig in the Gryffindor boys' dormitory However, Harry sometimes ignored this instruction. In subsequent summers, Hedwig's frustrated hooting convinced the Dursleys to allow Harry to let her out to fly, on the condition that he didn't use her to send messages. He later let her out, and Hedwig flew behind the car all the way to The Burrow.

Harry had to run to get her and put her in the car too. She noticed and hooted, waking Vernon up. When Ron, Fred and George Weasley, arrived to rescue Harry from Privet Drive in the flying Ford Anglia, he nearly ended up forgetting Hedwig when he was getting into the car.

He felt forgotten by his friends and mused that Hedwig was the only proof he had that the wizarding world was real. Hedwig started to grow bored and frustrated, a feeling Harry mirrored. Vernon Dursley forced Harry to lock Hedwig in her cage, sometimes for weeks at a time to prevent Harry from sending messages to his "freaky little friends". In the summer of 1992, they stayed at the Dursleys in Privet Drive again. She spent their first year at Hogwarts fulfilling her duty by getting and sending letters to Rubeus Hagrid and even took ones to Charles Weasley in Romania. Throughout her life, she fulfilled the traditional function of an owl by delivering mail for Harry. Hedwig stayed with him during this time, his only friend at 4 Privet Drive. In the days before arriving for his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry avoided the Dursleys by staying in his room. Harry decided to name her Hedwig after an individual he saw mentioned in A History of Magic. This was the first birthday present Harry had ever received, as the Dursleys never celebrated his birthday. Harry was obviously delighted with his new pet and was very grateful to Hagrid. She was a birthday present for Harry when he turned eleven. In 1991, Hedwig was kept by the Eeylops Owl Emporium, until she was purchased by Rubeus Hagrid while he was helping Harry Potter get school supplies. Hagrid introduces Hedwig to Harry in 1991 " Harry now carried a large cage that held a beautiful snowy owl, fast asleep with her head under her wing." - Harry Potter after receiving Hedwig as a gift